Author of IN KIND

winner of the 2022 Iowa Poetry Prize

Author of settler

Recent Publications



settler Tupelo Press, 12/21


In Kind, underbelly

Metamorphosis: Punished, Echo Disappears, Repeats the Last” and “Metamorphosis: Prosperina, Queen of the Underworld, Proclaims into the Thaw,” The Account

The Women,Guernica

“Victim: Root,” Seneca Review

My Given Name,” The Los Angeles Review

“What Animal You Would Be If You Could Be Any Animal,” Colorado Review

“The Patient Describes in Figure and Speech,” Denver Quarterly

The Anthropomantic Liver” and “The Liver as Regenerator,” La Vague Journal

Glamour,” American Poetry Review

“At the Museum of Natural History, North American Review

“Scar Wear Song,” The Southwest Review

“Metamorphosis: Arachne, Struck Silent, Radiates Silk,” Crab Orchard Review

“The Dress Dreams of Hands,” Fugue

Metamorphosis: Procne Serves Her Husband a Meal of His Own Child; Changed into a Swallow, She Nests in the Palace's Eaves, Does Not Weep” and “Metamorphosis: The Female Into,” Nashville Review

Progeny,” The Laurel Review

"Dead Reckoning," Split Lip Magazine

Exhibit,” Prelude

"The Induced Patient" and "The Material and Immaterial Patient," Bennington Review

“Sex” and “Birth,” The Cincinnati Review

"Blood Line," Poet Lore

The shame," Interim

“Animal,” “Paper,” and “Hand,” Poetry Northwest

The death" and "X," NightBlock

"Cry Wolf," "Last Case on the Murder Task Force," and "Nox," Painted Bride Quarterly,

"Love-wildered/Re-wilding," TYPO

"Auspice," Entropy

"Strain in Horror Vacui" and "Specie," Pinwheel

"The Patient Part by Part," Copper Nickel

"Ex Ovo Omnia," "Hunters," and "& Gatherers," Matter

"Alterations" and "Gorgoneia," Packingtown Review

"We Moved Houses," Southern Poetry Review

"Department Store" and "The Daughters of Minyas Deny Ecstasy, Turn into Bats,"


"Of the Idea-Horse" and "Of the Mind-Monkey," The Southeast Review

The Phantom Limb Lives a Life of Crime,” “The Phantom Limb Looks for Love,” “The Phantom Limb Resembles,” and “The Phantom Limb Seeks a Vocation,” Conjunctions


The Directions,” Sunday Stories, Vol. 1 Brooklyn

“The Bald Part,” The Cincinnati Review

“A Force Coupling,” Juked


“The Patient,” Four Quartets: Poetry in the Pandemic, Tupelo Press, 2020 

“Salvage” and “After-Assault Counting Out,” A Shadow Map: An Anthology by Survivors of Sexual Assault, 2017
